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March 15, 2007 Meeting

    We had a great turnout for our March 15th meeting. Members were able to earn 1 Credit Hour towards their certifications.

    Bernie Deem President of HR Consulting LLC, Charleston, WV is a published author, in-depth researcher, and statewide consultant with extensive Human Resources experience. Bernie Deem is uniquely qualified to advise companies on HR and management matters.


    Everyone enjoyed her charismatic, high energy. It was evident why her presentation style lends to her reputation as the best HR mentor in the state. Bernie is the owner of HR Consulting LLC, which among other things provides a one-of-a-kind, updated and comprehensive information service specializing in HR in West Virginia through her web site:


    A WVU graduate, Bernie is a Senior Professional in Human Resources and is also one of only two people who have been honored with the “Excellence in Human Resources” award.


    If any one is interested in having Bernie present for them, please feel free to give her a call